JKA England Championship at K2 Crawley

On Saturday the 28th of June 2014, members of Alfa SKC took part in the 10th JKA England Championships at K2 Crawley leisure centre. 400 competitors were competing on the day. 10 medals for Alfa Karate Club and two 4th places is a extremely great result as we only had 14 students in the squad, we hope to bring a much bigger squad for the next competition. The Championship started off with the younger age group and coloured belts doing kata, following by the finals and moving on to adults and black and brown belts. Kumite rounds also started with the coloured belts with three step and one step sparring. The black and brown belt rounds were free style, many of which were very close and intense. All competitors gave their best throughout the day and the atmosphere was fierce. It was a long day for both the competitors and spectators but everyone went away with a great experience and new friends.
Anton Maculskis 1st in Kata 3rd in Kumite, Eduard Valchev 2nd in Kumite, Team Kata 2nd place Ammara Salam, Nahida Aziz and Muhammed Jamil Uddin, Ammara Salam 3rd in Kumite, Danny Patterson 3rd in Kumite and 4th place in Kata, Stefania Caseriu 3rd in Kata, Omamo Binitie 3rd in Kumite, Nadine Aziz 4th place Kata.
Well done everyone who took part in competition, big thanks to parents and everyone who supported us!!!

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